ECOMM Call for Papers 2016
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Dear reader,

Don’t miss the jubilee 20th European Conference on Mobility Management. Every year, it attracts the leading sustainable transport practitioners, policy makers and innovators for three exciting, interdisciplinary days with inspiring sessions, leading keynotes in an attractive city.

Essentials: The theme of the conference is “Smart Solutions for People and Cities” and takes place in Athens from 1-3 June. The conference website, registration and programme, as well as a selection of hotels are online. Early Bird Fee open until 10 April. Contributions for the ECOMM Video Clip Contest can be submitted from 16 April until 8 May.


Technopolis in an ancient city

In walking distance from the Acropolis, the Technopolis City of Athens will be the conference venue. It links culture, science, industrial and ancient history and is thus fitting for the hosting organisations – the Municipality of Athens and the Universities of Thessaloniki and Piraeus.

Excursions, tours, keynote speakers and speakers from Greece, the evening programme as well as a special “Greet the Greeks” session will provide ample opportunity to discover new aspects of Athens and Greece.

The organisation team has arranged a programme with over 100 speakers. In the programme click on icons to see programme details

  • They are organised into five consecutive sessions
  • Each session has five parallel streams – one of them in a “Challenge Format”, one of them in “Pecha Kucha” format and three in traditional presentation format.
  • Each session has a distinct overarching theme:
    A: Policy Transfer in Mobility Management
    B: Smart Solutions for Cities – Mobility as a Service
    C: Mobility Management under Limited Budgets
    D: Changing Attitudes and Travel Behaviour
    E: From Policy to Implementation


Leading keynote presentations

Maria Vassilakou

Maria Vassilakou is Deputy Mayor of Vienna and Executive City Councillor for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection, Energy and Public Participation. She will present how since 2010, her policies have changed the city.

Timothy Papandreou is Director of the Office of Innovation of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and will present about shared-use mobility, complete street pilots, and integrating connected and autonomous vehicles into city transportation networks.

Philippe Crist is an Economist and Administrator at the International Transport Forum (ITF) at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He is responsible for coordinating several international research initiatives amongst ITF Members. He serves on the advisory boards for several transport, climate change and urban policy research programmes.


New: Video Clip Contest

A click leads you to some inspiration from Switzerland!

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the conference the ECOMM holds a video clip contest.

The theme for the video clip contest will be “A vision for shaping the future of Urban Mobility in Europe”. All submitted videos will be available for viewing after the 8th of May at the conference website Website visitors will be able to watch all participating videos and vote for the best three ones until the 20th of May.

The first winner of the contest will be invited to the Conference to receive his/her award during the celebration ceremony of the 20th ECOMM anniversary which will take place during the first day of the conference. Prizes will be given to the first three winners. The prizes will be announced on the conference website by mid-April 2016.

Find details about the Video Clip Contest here.

We hope to see you in Athens and wish you an excellent conference experience!

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