ECOMM Call for Papers 2018
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Have you already registered for the European Conference on Mobility Management in Maastricht? Don’t miss the early bird deadline!

What have we got in store for you? A conference with over 80 presentations, workshops, Pecha Kucha sessions, debates and demonstrations. A three-day exhibition with a wide range of public and private parties active in the mobility field. An inspiring keynote by a successful international Belgian publicist Leo Bormans on the link between happiness and mobility. This, and much more, is what the 21st ECOMM conference has to offer. The ECOMM conference takes place in Maastricht, the Netherlands from 31 May until 2 June.

As EPOMM board we are really happy with the amount and the quality of the accepted papers for this year’s edition of the conference. A wide range of subjects will be presented and discussed in an international arena covering themes such as ‘behavioural insights’, ‘mobility as a service’, ‘cross-border travelling’, ‘future mobility lab’ and ‘liveable cities’.

Inspiring speaker Leo Bormans
At the opening ceremony international writer Leo Bormans will give an inspiring keynote presentation on the link between happiness and mobility. His works on happiness and the well-being of humans in general have influenced political leaders all over the world.

Beautiful and ancient Maastricht
Besides a diverse programme you’ll get the change to visit the beautiful sights of Maastricht. With a history stretching back some 2,000 years, the Romans, Spaniards, French and Germans have all left their mark in Maastricht. The old buildings are joined by renovated buildings, museums, bridges, an art university and districts where new architecture is combined with the old.

Exclusive dinner location
In Maastricht a culinary lifestyle dominates. Food, wine, dine and enjoy are keywords in Maastricht and surroundings. There are a lot of restaurants (quite a few of them with Michelin stars), bars and terraces, affordable for any budget, and always with fine quality. As ECOMM delegate you’ll get the chance to dine and party at the Chateau Neercanne, which is called the ‘Balcony of Maastricht’ because of its stunning view over Maastricht. Moreover, the fine cuisine and exclusive location will make it an evening to remember.

Register now!
Don’t miss this year’s edition and register via our website To give more delegates the chance to register as an early bird, the deadline for the early bird fee will be extended for one week until the 9th of April. We hope to see you in Maastricht on the 31st of May!

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