EPOMM e-update April 2014
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Dear reader,

Don’t miss the 18th European Conference on Mobility Management. The event attracts the leading sustainable transport practitioners, policy makers and innovators, who this year will converge on Florence, Italy. The event kicks off on 7 May.

The theme of the conference is “Creating the bridge to a green, fair and prosperous mobility future”. The international organiser EPOMM and local host Florence have made great efforts to provide an inspiring programme of speakers and activities. Please register at www.ecomm2014.eu. Inhabitants of EPOMM member states get a discount on the entry fee.

“The ECOMM is the one thing not to miss. To spend three full days with a group of likeminded people gives me inspiration, ideas and the ‘fuel’ to go home and do better in Mobility Management. It’s the professional highlight of the year.”
Anette Enemark, key-note speaker.


A conference in the heart of Florence

Click on the picture to enlarge.

An exclusive area in one of the most beautiful places in the world - this is what the Firenze Fiera Congress & Exhibition Center offers to the event attendees. The centre is located in the heart of Florence, between the city historic centre and the boulevards, major traffic arteries built over the lay-out of the ancient city walls.

During the excursions before and after the conference, participants can discover Florence’s tramway system, its pedestrian and cycling infrastructure or the central traffic control. See the ECOMM programme for more information.

Book your hotel as soon as possible – Florence is a popular destination at this time of the year!
See ECOMM’s hotel suggestions with discounted rates.


Key-note speech “SUMP: The new black?”

The main key-note will be delivered by Anette Enemark, director of Tetraplan in Denmark. Her main area of expertise and focus of her work is to imbed Mobility Management initiatives in the Urban Planning process. In recent years, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP’s) came along – presenting new challenges and opportunities. Ms Enemark will show how the SUMP process challenges traditional silo-thinking and forces experts to think out of the box of traditional tools and technical solutions. And she will address the question whether it can really lead experts and mobility managers to focus on the key issues: affordable mobility, accessibility for all, land-use planning, social inclusion, job creation, health.

Anette Enemark was trained as an urban planner and journalist, but has worked close to 20 years in strategic transport planning.


Great speakers with great topics

Aerial view of the center of Florences' large new pedestrian zone - click to enlarge

No less than 99 transport professionals will present their experiences and research findings during the parallel sessions. These will cover a wide range of topics, including the future of mobility management, the secrets of our behaviour, walking, cycling, company mobility management, tourism and electric mobility. Discover the full programme on the ECOMM website.


Side programme: CIVITAS training on evaluation

On Wednesday morning 7 May, the CIVITAS Initiative will organise an interactive three-hour training event on the evaluation of mobility measures. The main trainer will be Eric Schreffler. He is a transport consultant at ESTC in San Diego, a consultancy focused on quantifying the impacts of transport demand management strategies on traffic congestion, energy consumption and air quality. More details and registration will follow shortly on www.civitas.eu.

Webinar “Sharing is the new having”

On Monday 7 April 11h00 - 12h00 CET, CIVITAS CAPITAL and the Thematic Group “Car Independent Lifestyles” invite you to interact, share your experiences and participate in this Webinar. For details on programme and how to participate, download the programme here

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