ENDURANCE e-update May 2016
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Dear reader,

After three exciting years of hard work, ENDURANCE is coming to a close. We proudly present the results of our project in this e-update.


SUMP in Europe

ENDURANCE countries, click to enlarge

During ENDURANCE, 25 national networks have been established, and more than 75 national meetings and training events organised with more than 4,500 participants. A total of 319 cities have expressed their commitment to SUMP and joined the ENDURANCE network, well exceeding our target of 250 cities. With 28 and 27 cities respectively, Portugal and Italy are the absolute ENDURANCE champions.

The cities first made a quick quality check of their planning process according to the European SUMP Guidelines with the ENDURANCE self-assessment questionnaire. National training events organised in the first two years of the project provided practitioners with a good overall understanding of the SUMP concept, and the similarities and differences in relation to the established national framework and transport planning approach in their member state. This provided a good foundation for later training events that focussed more on specific characteristics of the SUMP approach, such as processes for engaging stakeholders and citizens.

Read more about each ENDURANCE country and city in the country/city section of our website.


International knowledge exchange and policy transfer

Except for network meetings and trainings, ENDURANCE also provided cities with tailor-made advice, an international expert enquiry service and policy transfers.

Successful policy transfers were held between:

  • Austria and Slovenia: engaging parents in mobility management for schools;
  • Denmark and Estonia: the Sustainable Urban Mobility Board Game
  • Belgium and Poland: the Flemish SUMP policy framework;
  • Finland and Bratislava (Slovakia): smart and sustainable mobility in Finland;
  • Frankfurt (Germany) and Brasov (Romania): the interaction between the local and regional level;

Read more about the policy transfer methodology, which was developed by EPOMM.


Use our resources

The ongoing finalisation also means that part of the ENDURANCE website and part of the ENDURANCE networks are migrating to the EPOMM website and EPOMM.

The main results of ENDURANCE will remain available on the EPOMM website. Here is an overview of our must-read resources:

  • Our thematic e-updates on different aspects of SUMP.
  • Our fact sheets on SUMP practices from around Europe.
  • Our training webpages listing trainers with SUMP expertise and SUMP training materials
  • The presentations of all SUMP conferences including the third one that took place a few weeks ago in Bremen.

European Conferences on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

Click to enlarge

ENDURANCE was a member of the European Commission’s SUMP Co-ordinating Group. Working with several other European SUMP projects, ENDURANCE led the organisation of three editions of the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Each year the conference has grown in profile and size and the last conference took place in Bremen. Entitled “Planning the Efficient City”, the event attracted over 400 participants and featured presentations, discussions and debate covering topics as diverse as cross-boundary mobility planning for the “functional city”, planning for automation and mobilising civic participation. The conference also featured special meetings for Mayors and other political representatives. During the closing plenary participants discussed how the take-up of the SUMP concept can be accelerated across Europe and the event concluded with the presentation of the Bremen Declaration on sustainable urban mobility planning. The latter will be published on www.eltis.org in order to stimulate debate amongst the European community of mobility planning practitioners. Further reporting from the conference and all presentations will also be published on Eltis.


Other SUMP projects and future developments

Two other SUMP projects have come to a close together with ENDURANCE. You can have a look at their resources here:

    SUMP kits: These are guidelines on the four Challenges of the project: Participation, Institutional Cooperation, Measure Selection and Monitoring & Evaluation – short versions are available in 8 languages
    SUMP self-assessment tool
    Serves to assess the quality of your SUMP
    Five self-learning courses with many links
  • BUMP (Boosting Urban Mobility Plans):
    in their “Supporting Package” you can find guidelines and training presentations

Meanwhile the CIVITAS Initiative also produced many interesting e-courses (you need to register) and publications.

Under the Horizon 2020 Programme, new SUMP and CIVITAS projects will start. These projects are currently in the contract negotiation and preparation phase with the Commission. This phase includes the preparation of a closer cooperation between CIVITAS and SUMP projects as well as a joined branding as CIVITAS projects. Within these new projects, the series of European SUMP conferences will be continued. In the light of these developments, EPOMM would like to invite those who are not already members to join EPOMM (see below).


A word from EPOMM

Robert Thaler, President of EPOMM

"ENDURANCE has allowed us to strengthen the mobility planning skills of a great number of cities in our member countries, while at the same time reaching out to 14 non-member countries. It was fascinating to see the national networks grow and the bridges between the policy levels being built. It has been an honour for EPOMM to coordinate this enriching project and we hope to continue our fruitful cooperation also in the field of mobility management with all countries involved in ENDURANCE."

Robert Thaler, President of EPOMM

Exceptional 50% discount on EPOMM membership

In 2016 we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of ECOMM - The European Conference on Mobility Management - and for this reason EPOMM - The European Platform on Mobility Management - offers a 50% reduced membership contribution for new network members, also from countries that were not involved in ENDURANCE. Take this unique chance and join - together with your Ministry - the prime network of national governments. Benefit from the vast EPOMM experience, the online tools and services, the trainings and workshops. Let´s join forces to reach our aims and to support an active information exchange on a European level.

Do not wait much longer and get in contact with the EPOMM Coordinator Ingrid Briesner. She is happy to answer all your questions about EPOMM and to support you in the application process.

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