ECOMM Call for Papers 2018
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Dear reader,

Within 3 weeks, the ECOMM 2017 conference in Maastricht kicks off, offering the delegates a diverse programme with over 90 presentations, workshops, 20/20 talks and demonstrations. This, and much more, is what the 21st ECOMM conference has to offer, so do not miss out on the most important European conference on Mobility Management from 31 May - 2 June 2017!

Registration is still possible via the ECOMM website


Inspiring keynote speakers

John Aarts                       Herald Ruijters

For the opening ceremony on 31 May we have a diverse line-up of officials and keynote speakers starting with Robert Thaler from EPOMM, John Aarts, alderman of the city of Maastricht, Mark Frequin, DG Accessibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and Herald Ruijters, Director Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport at DG MOVE. And international writer Leo Bormans will give an inspiring presentation on the link between happiness and mobility. His books on happiness and the well-being of humans in general have been read by many and have influenced political leaders all over the world.

Thursday’s plenary will start with a keynote of Ananda Groag from shareNL - the international knowledge and network platform for the sharing economy. In her speech she will address questions such as: How does the future of transportation look from a sharing economy perspective? If boundaries between consumer and producer, public and private blur, how does that affect the mobility landscape? Ananda Groag takes us on a journey to explore the potential of shared mobility towards an automated future.

Friday’s plenary will start with a keynote speech on future urban mobility and smart transit systems. Stay tuned for the speaker name. It will be revealed on our website soon.


What’s new this year at ECOMM?

New are the Pressure Cooker sessions, an interactive panel discussion and a House of Commons Debate.

In the Pressure Cooker sessions international mobility students will have to come up with solutions and recommendations for real-life mobility cases from the cities of Rome, Kassel, Maastricht and Groningen. Delegates are welcome to draw up a chair and join the discussion and brainstorm sessions throughout the conference.

On Thursday morning we will have an interactive panel discussion in store for you with panel members from the European Commission, national and regional authorities, a large medical centre and a service provider. The panelists will discuss public-private partnership in terms of mobility management and will also share their views on new mobility concepts and on where mobility management is heading to in the future.

On Friday morning we will have a lively House of Commons debate in which students from different universities will be debating on the future of mobility such as shared mobility, self-driving cars and Mobility as a Service.


Exclusive dinner location

Chateau Neercanne,
‘Balcony of Maastricht’

In Maastricht a culinary lifestyle dominates. Food, wine, dine and enjoy are keywords in Maastricht and surroundings. There are a lot of restaurants (quite a few of them with Michelin stars), bars and terraces, affordable for any budget, and always with fine quality. As ECOMM delegate you will get the chance to dine and party at the Chateau Neercanne, which is called the ‘Balcony of Maastricht’ because of its stunning view over Maastricht. Moreover, the fine cuisine and exclusive location will make it an evening to remember.


Beautiful and ancient Maastricht

Besides a diverse programme you will get the chance to visit the beautiful sights of Maastricht. With a history stretching back some 2,000 years ago, the Romans, Spaniards, French and Germans have all left their mark in Maastricht. The old buildings are joined by renovated ones, museums, bridges, an art university and several districts where new architecture is combined with the old.


Register now!

Do not miss this year’s edition and register via our website

We hope to see you in Maastricht on the 31st of May!

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