ECOMM Call for Papers 2015
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Dear reader,

we proudly announce the opening of the call for papers for the 19th European Conference on Mobility Management - ECOMM 2015, which will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 20-22nd May.

The deadline for submission is Tuesday, 9 December 2014, at 23:59 (CET, GMT+1 hour).

You can find all useful information on the newly opened ECOMM 2015 website.

Here are the direct links:
Submission is electronic via an own submission site.
Detailed information on the call for papers is available on those sites or directly here.

To visit this ECOMM edition promises to be a rewarding experience:

  • the Netherlands is in many ways a pioneer country for Mobility Management and will show you the newest developments.
  • Utrecht is an interesting mobility hub – under reconstruction is the largest railway station of the Netherlands, that will also contain the largest bicycle parking in the world. It is just half an hour by train from Amsterdam-airport.
  • The city of Utrecht has many innovative mobility programmes, notably their city logistics, their campaigns, their policy of creating a compact, bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly city centre, their extension of the public transport network and many more.
  • And, last but not least, it is a very charming and attractive city, with a history going back to roman times, a beautiful and lively old city – centre of an agglomeration of 600,000 persons.

We wish you good luck, hope for many contributions and hope to see you at the ECOMM next year,

best regards from the ECOMM organisation team.

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