The EPOMM Board is the administration of the association and takes all major decisions. They meet as necessary, about 3-4 times a year. One of these meetings is the yearly General Assembly, in which all EPOMM-members take part.
The General Assembly elects the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The current Board members are:
Austria, represented by Robert Thaler (re-elected December 2020), Federal Ministry for Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie, Stubenbastei 5, A1010 Wien, Austria
Vice President:
Germany, represented by Melanie Schade (re-elected December 2020), Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Deichmanns Aue 31-37, 53179 Bonn
France, represented by Joris Marrel, (re-elected December 2020) CEREMA, 2 rue Antoine Charial, F- 69426 LYON Cedex 03
The Netherlands, represented by Jorris Nijhuis, (re-elected December 2020), The Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Bezoekadres l Rijnstraat 8 Den Haag
Further Board members:
- Portugal, represented by Isabel Botelho, IMT - Av. das Forças Armadas 40, 1649-022 Lisboa
- Belgium,represented by Sofie Walschap, Gewestelijke Overheidsdienst Brussel, Brussel Mobiliteit