The "operational arms" of EPOMM on national level
A National Focal Point (NFP) either already is a network or platform of some sort (like BEPOMM in Belgium) or still needs to build up this network.The network consists of persons and organisations that are or might be interested in mobility management and the services of EPOMM.
Participation in the EPOMM NFP-workshops
- EPOMM organises NFP-workshops and webinars– for mutual learning, experience exchange and policy transfers. NFPs are supposed to participate and select the topics they want.
Strengthening or build up of a national network
The greatest benefit can be gotten from EPOMM when there is a national network on MM in the country. Components of such a national network might be:
- National workshops, training and conferences (with the help from international experts to be found through EPOMM)
- National e-newsletter (could be connected to EPOMM e-updates)
- National website (well connected with EPOMM-website and EPOMM country page)
- National awards for mobility management projects, communities
- Act as the network of the regional and local networks
Support of the day-to-day work of the EPOMM
Translate e-update into national language
Find contact addresses for:
- e-update
- ECOMM-participation
Deliver articles, links, hints, updates, suggestions, feedback for:
- website
- case studies
- e-update
- EPOMM country pages
- other EPOMM-services
Translation of interesting materials from local language to English (and vice versa) and disseminate, for example:
- e-update
- EPOMM and ECOMM-promotion
- Mobility management training, workshops,webinars, information
- directly promote, explain and spread EPOMM content locally
- website (put (prominent) links on national websites)
- e-update (promote subscribing)
- ECOMM (promote and encourage participation)
- explain NFP-concept on local website, in workshops
- give conferences, workshops etc. an EPOMM-touch/identity
- have proceedings/minutes results put online and spread through EPOMM
- put in the EPOMM logo, link, contact details in folder, website
- have, if possible, some sort of EPOMM presence (stand, poster, folder)
Participation in the international networking of EPOMM
- Telephone contacts with the EPOMM management, if needed
- Participation in NFP-meetings/webinars organised by EPOMM
- Active contribution of ideas and suggestions for the further development of mobility management, EPOMM and the ECOMMs
- Maintain contact and information exchange with the national member (the relevant Ministry)