VIAS institute - Belgian Institute for Traffic Safety Belgian Rail Roads (NMBS/SNCB) Federal Public Service of Transports Brussel Mobiliteit (Brussels Department of Transport) Taxistop - Carpooling COREN Fietserbond - Cyclists' League of Flanders and Brussels FietsenWerk - Bike network organisation of Flanders and Brussels) felnet - Flanders Environmental Library Networks Mobimix Mobiel Vlaanderen - Flanders Region Department of Transport SERV - Social and Economic Council of Flanders netwerk duurzame mobiliteit - Environmental Mobility Network Departement Omgeving Vlaanderen - Flanders Region Department of the Environment VSV - Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde (Flemish Foundation for Traffic Science) De Lijn - Flemish Public Transport Company GRACQ - Les Cyclistes Quotidients (Everyday Cyclists) IMOB - Transportation Research Institute Mobiel21 Policy Document (online) - Federal Action Plan on Sustainable Development (NL/FR) Policy Document (Word Document) - Het Pendelplan (Flemish Commuter Plan) Pro Velo Mobiel Vlaanderen - Mobiliteitsplan Vlaanderen (Mobility Plan Flanders) Sam de Verkeersslang (Sam the Traffic Snake) Trage Wegen GRT - Groupe de Recherche sur les Transports (Transportation Research Group University of NAMUR) TreinTramBus voetgangers beweging - Flanders Pedestrian Association iew - Inter-Environnement Wallonie (Environmental and Mobility Network Walloon Region)