Aimed at planners, planning consultants, local authorities, developers and university planning schools, these guidelines give practical advice on how to better integrate sustainable transport with land use planning. Thus it shows how to make Mobility Management a core part of the building permission process for new developments.
Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning
Early in the planning process, when land use plans are made, local authorities can ensure that new developments will be sited in locations where a choice of modes is available. This is an important prerequisite to achieve success with Mobility Management.
Integration of MM at new developments
Mobility Management and its measures often focus on specific sites - an office, shopping centre or stadium, for example. When a new site is being planned or an existing one expanded or changed, this usually requires building permission, involving negotiations between the site developer and public authorities. Such negotiations can be used to secure both Mobility Management measures for the site before it opens and for when it is in use.
This ensures that site users have a choice of modes to reach the site from the first day that it opens.
This is important, as site users have to consider and decide how to get to the site and what mode to take, when they go for the first time. This is the moment when they are most open to try new alternatives. After that, they start to establish a habit and it is much more difficult to change this habit later on.
Please Download:
MaxLupo - The full Guidelines for the integration of Mobility Management with Land Use Planning including annexes
Annex 1 Examples for the Integration of land use with transport planning
Annex 2 Examples for the Integration of MM at new developments