The 21st ECOMM took place in Maastricht, a city of culture, learning and business … and sustainable urban mobility!
More than 400 participants from Europe, Asia and Africa gathered at the annual European Conference on Mobility Management.
With the main theme 'Teaming up for liveable cities', the conference provided insights on how public and private parties can work together to reflect on the future of smart and sustainable travel to increase accessibility, safety and liveability in cities. In more than 80 inspiring presentations, discussions, demonstrations and pitches, questions were raised as: ‘how can we cope with the ever-increasing mobility in Europe’, ‘what do we know about the behaviour of travellers’ and ‘what kind opportunities can (technical) innovations provide'.
All this was complemented by a line-up of officials, inspiring keynote speakers and a panel discussion with various national and international panellists under professional guidance of moderator Simone van Trier.
New this year was the House of Commons debate that was held by students of Hasselt University and NHTV Breda with a great deal of verve.
Also new were the Pressure Cooker sessions in which mobility students were brainstorming on solutions for the various mobility cases submitted by cities and regions like Rome, Kassel, Groningen and Limburg. This fun and creative set-up really gathered fresh, new and out-of-the box ideas.
The conference participants joined the discussion on how to achieve our big dreams using the instruments of Mobility Management in Europe and beyond. At the ECOMM 2017 the following essential conclusions were drawn:
The participants of the ECOMM 2017 are now collaborating as dream owners. Together, we will do everything in our power to realize our dreams. Redirecting 5 percent of resources from infrastructure to Mobility Management could potentially double the results. So we ask the EU to create conditions for borderless collaboration, take away barriers, facilitate exchange of knowledge and develop a strong EU policy on Mobility Management. We invite the EU to embrace best practices and lessons learned from countries with successful Mobility Management programmes, as well as to stimulate Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in all member states. The upcoming EPOMM strategy book will bring us one step closer to achieving our goals.