Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development (SEI-Tallinn) is the Tallinn cenre of Stockholm Environment Institute - an international environmental policy think-tank. SEI-Tallinn is engaged in four programme areas: Sustainability Measures Programme; Environmental Management Programme, Climate, Energy and Atmosphere Programme and Environmental Economics Programme.
In its commitment to bridging the gap between science and policy-making, SEI Tallinn Centre employs innovative methods in communicating its work to governments, the private sector, other research institutes, and the society as a whole. A significant part of SEI Tallinn Centre work concentrates on assisting the Estonian Government with sustainability issues and in drafting environmental legislation. SEI-Tallinn has become an active regional think-tank, having created solid working contacts with state and local authorities, the academic community, NGOs and the general public within Baltic States and other CEE countries.
Regarding mobility management and sustainable transport policy issues, SEI Tallinn has been one of the leading experts in this field in Esonia. SEI lead the strategic environmental assessment process for National Transport Strategy, giving major input for integrating MM and other sustainable transport policy principles in the national policy. SEI has held several workshops, seminars and lectures on sustainablte transport strategies for policy-makers, carried out several surveys on external costs of transport in Estonia and consulted Tallinn City Government on sustainable urban planning policies (the Baltic Palette project) and drafting of the new transport policy strategy for Tallinn City (PILOT project). Currently SEI-Tallinn is involved in EPOMM-PLUS, an Interreg BSR project „Baltic Climate“, advising Ministry of Interior on the new national spatial plan „Estonia 2030“ and the State Chancellery on a governmental sustainable transport report.
Contact person in EPOMM-PLUS:
Mari Jüssi
Office: +3726276109
Cell: +37256482733
skype: marijussi
Lai 34
Tallinn 10133