Established in 1993, the Center for Environmental Studies (CES) was founded in 1993 as an independent, private non-profit thinktank organization. Its mission is to serve as a catalytic institution for the environmentally sustainable restructuring of Hungary.
To achieve its goals, the Center:
- conducts research (prepares studies evaluating the sustainability of development, analyses the natural, social, political, conditions of sustainable development, etc.),
- gives technical assistance (advises on environmental policy, environmental management issues, helps to prepare environmental proposals and find collaborating partners, etc.),
- organizes conferences, workshops, seminars and meetings,
- provides education, raises awareness on various environmental and sustainability issues (organizes training courses, prepares publications, makes presentations etc).
A major focus of its programmes is urban and regional sustainable development, including issues of urban sprawl, urban transport, municipal energy management, brownfields, sustainable development strategies, local environmental programmes and municipal EMS.
The Center participates in the EPOMM-PLUS project as a network initiator. Its objective is:
- To raise awareness of stakeholders about sustainable mobility and mobility management (MM), to convince key decision-makers to use MM and combine infrastructure development measures with MM tools in upcoming projects including projects financed from the Structural Funds Operational Programme,
- Create a Hungarian network of MM, based on transfer of knowledge and experience and
- Get citizens and decision-makers involved
Contact person:
Vilma Eri
Tel.: +36-1-455-0223
For more information, please visit the CES website.
Here you find the EPOMM e-update of February 2011 in Hungarian language!