NFP Norway: Norwegian Public Roads Administration

The Directorate of Public Roads that is an autonomous agency under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, acts as a National Focal Point (NFP) in Norway. The Directorate is the supreme authority of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), which encompasses five regional offices.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible for the planning, construction and operation of the national and county road networks, vehicle inspection and requirements, driver training and licensing. The vision of NPRA will be “On the Road to a Better Society” and the guiding objectives will be to develop and maintain a safe, eco-friendly and efficient transport system.

Seeing an increasing need to curb car use, NPRA has decided to take a more active role in Mobility Management work. NPRA does research on Mobility Management, gather results from national and international research and disseminates best practice to the Norwegian professional community. NPRA has since 2005 been the national coordinator for the European Mobility Week and is the coordinator for the Norwegian Network of Cycling Cities.

A national network on Mobility Management is under development. The network will be based on the established networks Cities of the Future and Network of Cycling Cities. Cities of the Future is a collaboration between the Government and the 13 largest cities in Norway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make cities a better place to live. This network was formed on the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment.

Further information on NPRA activities and linkages to other relevant web-pages can be found under the NPRA page for Sustainable Urban Transport.

Tom E Nørbech
