Below are the most prominent Tools and Services of EPOMM, just click to directly go there. EPOMM develops and offers services as ordained by the EPOMM-Board mostly to its member states, but also to any other organisations and institutions in these countries as well as to EU-projects.

EPOMM Country fact sheets
Explore specific topics in an easy- and quick-to-read format. Find here the first edition (2020) on Active Mobility in Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Portugal and The Netherlands.

Modal split data from 616 cities
With TEMS, you can easily compare similar sized cities and cities with similar modal split. Where available, TEMS also provides modal split development timelines per city. Any state and any city can contribute by uploading city data and national data. 11 EPOMM member states made an extra effort to provide as complete data as possible and as many survey background data as possible.

Mobility Budget transfer to Belgium
EPOMM assists via NFPs

Featured training: MM and Land Use Planning

First European network of Mobility Centers – the SEE MC net
Here a quick overview over the other tools and services
- MaxExplorer is a simple interactive tool designed to help people who are not experts in Mobility Management in choosing the MM measures most appropriate to their specific problems.
- MaxLupo is about the integrations of Land Use Planning with MM and is a whole set of helpful tools and material.
- MaxQ is the Quality Management System for Mobility Management
- MaxSumo is an evaluation method with which you can effectively plan, monitor and evaluate Mobility Management projects. It provides standardised guidance during all steps of your project.