On 24th of February 2022, Malta joined the European Platform on Mobility Management (EPOMM), during the ‘Sustainable Transport: Together Towards Cleaner Solutions’ Conference organised by the Risk Management, Policy and EU Affairs Department within Transport Malta.
The role of the EPOMM as network of national ministries and authorities working together to further develop and promote mobility management on local and national level as well as in the EU, is important today and will be even more important in the future.
The membership was signed by Mr. Robert Thaler, EPOMM President and Vice Chariman of THE PEP, and Mr. Joseph Bugeja, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Authority for Transport in Malta.

"Our sincere congratulations and a warm welcome to Malta as a new member of EPOMM in the name of all EPOMM members. We are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation and joint initiatives with all of you!" - Robert Thaler, EPOMM President