MAX has provided the following short fact sheets providing concise information and recommendations on several aspects of the integration of Land Use Planning, Sustainable Transport Planning and Mobility Management:
- Integrating Land Use and Sustainable Transport Planning: Promising Policies (E1) This is often an important precondition to be able to apply Mobility Management at a site. The fact sheet shows possibilities how this can be part of the general policy.
- Integrating Mobility Management with the Building Permission Process: Promising Policies and Examples (E2) The building permission process is the main point where MM can be integrated into the planning. The fact sheet shows a range of possibilities. There is also a powerpoint presentation on this subject: How can Mobility Management be included in the planning and building permission process of a new development? (D2).
- A brief overview of all MM measures that are applicable at a site. For more in-depth information, we recommend to download the Compendium of site based Mobility Management measures (D5). There is also a powerpoint presentation on this subject: What is site based mobility management? (D1).
- Integrating Mobility Management and Land Use Planning at the Local Level: A benefit for the site-actors and the local authority (E4) The benefits are clear: to ensure excellent accessibility to the site by all modes and site-users, while minimising environmental problems and congestion caused by traffic to and from the site. E4 gives a brief overview of site-based MM; it is aimed at local authorities that want to tell their politicians about this new mobility strategy.