EPOMM facilitates networking and the exchange of practical and strategic knowledge with experts from across Europe. Germany, represented by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, has been a member of EPOMM since 2013. Benefits of being a member of EPOMM is having access to a network of experts from governments in countries across Europe. Through this network, EPOMM facilitates knowledge exchange between European countries: Learning from each other about practical knowledge and also about strategic national approaches on mobility management. The membership underlines the importance of mobility management on a national level. It is equally inspiring to bring national good practices to the European level as it is to bring European best practices back to the national level. In EPOMM, knowledge exchange is facilitated through regular personal meetings, the annual conference (ECOMM) and publications, such as the EPOMM strategy book, E-Updates and fact sheets. EPOMM is working together to raise the profile of mobility management on a national level and in Europe.