Under the motto "In the midst of the energy and mobility revolution", more than 400 experts, interested parties and long-time supporters of klimaaktiv came together at the 20th anniversary celebration and conference on 10 June 2024 to take an optimistic but also realistic look at the initiative's past and future.

The '20 years of klimaaktiv' conference paid special attention to corporate mobility management, as this area plays a crucial role in reducing CO2 emissions and improving sustainability in the transport sector.
Companies have a significant impact on transport, both through employee commuting and through business travel and freight transport. Well planned corporate mobility management can significantly reduce a company's carbon footprint, while saving costs and having a positive impact on employee health.
The session presented examples of companies that have already successfully implemented mobility management measures. These included
· Encouraging the use of bicycles and providing infrastructure such as bicycle parking or showers for employees.
· Introducing job tickets and working with public transport to encourage employees to switch from cars to more environmentally friendly modes of transport.
· Car-sharing schemes for business travel and promoting the use of electric vehicles.
A wide range of supoorting measures to promote sustainable mobility was presented, like home offices and remote working to reduce commuting, flexible working hours to avoid peak traffic periods, mobility, for example by installing charging points and providing incentives for the use of electric vehicles, as well as developing cycling promotion programmes and providing company bicycles.
The nationwide initiative „klimaaktiv mobil“ offers various advisory and support services for companies that want to introduce or expand a company mobility management programme. These include
· Mobility analyses to assess the current mobility structures in the company.
· Support in the development of mobility policies and the implementation of measures.
· Access to funding and programmes for the implementation of sustainable mobility solutions.
Corporate Mobility Management offers enormous potential for companies to make their mobility more environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable. The participants were encouraged to use klimaaktiv mobil's tools and advice to implement appropriate measures in their companies and actively contribute to the mobility transition.
For more info please click here.