EPOMM e-update April 2020
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As a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak, the EPOMM board together with the Municipality of Cascais are sadly compelled to announce that ECOMM 2020 has been cancelled. We truly regret the inconvenience that this may cause to participants, speakers and exhibitors.

We have received 138 submissions in response to our call for presentations and highly appreciate your efforts and interest in ECOMM. The IPC evaluated all submissions and the program has been finalised in time. To build on these efforts we are currently looking for options to make the presentations accepted by the IPC available online and we will come back to the authors of the accepted proposals at a later stage.

In any case, we will keep you updated on the planning for the next ECOMM and we honestly hope to see you all - healthy and with spirits up - at ECOMM 2021!

Dear reader,

The new situation regarding the spread of COVID-19 is currently influencing all our lives. However, we endeavour to continue to offer you the best possible support for your plans and projects on Mobility Management in Europe!

There is no doubt that global climate change has a major impact on the environment, on society and on the economy.

Those countries, cities and companies showing foresight are taking the lead in finding answers to fight climate change. That means taking an ambitious approach to climate protection while at the same time ensuring sustainable development. “However, a holistic transformation policy approach is required, combining actions and making use of synergies, inter alia with regard to behavioural changes, sharing concepts, alternative fuels, digitalisation, active mobility, safe and inclusive mobility, and of course with regard to Mobility Management.” (Graz Declaration, Oct 2018)

Author: Fred Dotter, Mobiel 21 on behalf of EPOMM


Excuse me, what’s the time? It’s two minutes to midnight!

Climate change and scarcity of resources present regions and cities with major challenges for the future. If we want to ensure that they remain liveable for the next generations, new strategies in the areas of sustainable energy, innovative mobility and green urbanisation need to be developed.

Successful Mobility Management can help to influence the mobility behaviour of road users through target group-oriented information and advice as well as through a well-coordinated range of services, because sustainable mobility is not only a question of providing infrastructure, but also of the efficient use of this infrastructure.


Mayors are speaking out on behalf of their citizens

Source: friendsoftheearth.uk

According to the World Health Organization, 91 percent of the world’s population live in places where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits, causing more 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide every year. Whilst these findings are alarming, the good news is that cities are taking major strides to tackle air pollution challenges. Around the world, cities are taking bold climate action, leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future.

As mayors are often directly accountable to their citizens for the success or failure of their policies and see the effects of policy change much faster than national politicians, C40 Mayors are taking action to deliver cleaner air, improve public health and reduce the risks of climate change.

“I have said it before and am saying it again: We cannot negotiate with Parisians‘ health. This issue is urgent and the city of Paris will take action along with other mayors and megacities […] We must all work together to avoid a public health crisis.” - Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris.


A vision of Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent

Source: ec.europa.eu

President-elect Ursula von der Leyen recently introduced her team and the new structure of the next European Commission. The new Commission will reflect the priorities and ambitions set out in the Political Guidelines for the next European Commission 2019-2024, which she presented to the European Parliament on 16 July 2019.

At the heart of the work is the need to address the changes in climate, technology and demography that are transforming our societies and way of life. Each Commissioner will ensure the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals within their policy area.

The so-called, and oft-cited ‘European Green Deal’ should be announced in the first 100 days of the mandate. Along with the climate-neutrality commitments for 2050, the new European Commission has to be more ambitious when it comes to the 2030 emission reduction target. This should increase to at least 50 percent by 2030, up from the 40 percent currently agreed. But also ‘Climate action’ is an important part of the Political Guidelines. The task will be to firm up the long-term climate-neutral commitment, ensure that the European Commission is using all of the tools at its disposal and work on climate awareness and behaviour change. To reach this aim, a first European Climate Law will enshrine the 2050 climate-neutrality target into legislation within the first 100 days of the mandate.

On 10 September 2019, von der Leyen presented a mission letter to Frans Timmermans as the new Executive Vice-President-designate for the European Green Deal.


For people – With people

Source: facebook.com/mobicascais

With MobiCascais, Cascais, Portugal, follows an ambitious approach towards climate protection. Cascais provides special discount offers covering 11 local and regional bus lines operated by the municipality. Low-cost passes, reduced prices for people over the age of 65 and free use of public transport for children under 14 years all aim to support citizens to shift their daily mobility from car to public transport.

To support this, a MaaS system was put in place. Supported by smart ticketing systems, apps and a back-office platform, these passes were integrated in the ones offered by the metropolitan authority, including bicycles, electric car sharing and on-street parking.

This policy has been developed based on the approach ‘For people - with people!’ and earlier work in line with the Aalborg Commitments, the Agenda 21 for Cascais, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Language that is understandable and meaningful to everyone

Source: cedrmodbear.com

The Mobility Management Guidance, developed as part of the Mobility Driver Behaviour Research (MODBEAR) project makes it clear that universal language and terminology need to be developed and used to ensure productive and straightforward dialogues between different levels of organisation.

Especially in relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation, climate change has to be translated into tangible consequences and challenges (e.g. network resilience in the case of flooding) and achievable goals. By doing so, these challenges can be embedded into everyday dialogue.

As best practice examples of using language that is understandable and meaningful to everyone, not only EPOMM in general is mentioned, but also examples from EPOMM member states. In Portugal, the Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT) developed a national strategy for its approach to accessibility, transport, mobility and land use planning. Titled Mobility Package, this strategy from 2011 provides national directives for mobility, a guide for the development of Mobility and Transport Plans and Guidance on accessibility, mobility and transport issues in land use planning. Another example can be found in Finland, where the Finnish Transport Agency coordinates Mobility Management on a national level, as part of the Climate Policy Programme for 2009-2020.


Sharing adaptation information across Europe

Source: climate-adapt.eea.europa.eu

The European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT is a partnership between the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Climate-ADAPT is maintained by the EEA with the support of the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA). The Platform aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change and provide help to access and share data and information on:

  1. Expected climate change in Europe
  2. Current and future vulnerability of regions and sectors
  3. EU, national and transnational adaptation strategies and actions
  4. Adaptation case studies and potential adaptation options
  5. Tools that support adaptation planning

Countries are at different stages of preparing, developing and implementing national adaptation strategies and plans relevant to climate change. Climate-ADAPT includes a database that contains quality checked information that can be easily searched.


klimaaktiv mobil – Austria’s Action Programme for Mobility Management

© BMNT/Alexander Haiden

Especially in the transport arena, we need concerted efforts towards attaining a green mobility transition, not least in Austria as data show: 45 percent of Austrian Non-Emission Trading Scheme Greenhouse Gas Emissions and 32 percent of energy use are due to transport, of which over 90 percent relies on fossil fuels.

To promote an environmentally friendly mobility transition, the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT) is implementing the necessary measures now, such as the Masterplan for Cycling 2015-2025, the Masterplan Walking (available only in German), and the klimaaktiv mobil programme.

This programme provides financial support to Austrian businesses, fleet operators and property developers as well as towns and cities, municipalities and regions, and relevant actors in tourism, school and youth initiatives. The portfolio of klimaaktiv mobil includes the financial support programme, consulting and awareness-raising programmes, partnerships as well as training and certification initiatives.

Since the start of klimaaktiv mobil in 2005, the mitigation of climate change is the core issue of the national initiative.

klimaaktiv mobil is active in international programmes like the Transport Health Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP of UNECE and WHO).


Conclusion: There is no reason not to fight climate change

Source: you2repeat.com

The recently published Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA) Roadmap on Smart Mobility Systems and Services states that transport and the sustainable transformation of mobility systems is a pressing challenge for global and European climate change mitigation. Understanding and differentiating the performance and potential of emerging new and potentially ‘smart’ transport and mobility systems will be fundamental when implementing successful and sustainable transformation paths.

Therefore, adapting to future conditions to mitigate climate change is a multi-stakeholder process that should be flexible over time, taking into account many aspects and complex factors that are in line with conceptual targets for sustainability.

Two complementary drivers can be identified that could potentially lead to a paradigm shift towards the development of sustainable transport. One of them is the gradual transition to renewable fuels through stricter demand strategies in the transport and energy field to counteract the greenhouse effect. Another objective is to create more attractive and resource-efficient Mobility Management and communication alternatives to increase individuals’ range of choices.

A final thought … The great French writer Jean-Baptiste Moliére coined the statement “We are not only responsible for our actions, but for the things we have failed to do.” Let us keep this in mind when designing, developing and implementing climate change mitigation measures.

Stay at Home! Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

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