Managing Mobility for a Better Future EPOMM ́s Visions and Goals for 2020
-Adopted at the EPOMM General Assembly on 7th December 2012-
EPOMM is the European Platform on Mobility Management formed by a growing number of committed Member States that support the development and spread of mobility management in Europe. EPOMM ́s Members have achieved an impressive practical experience in delivering smart mobility management actions.
EPOMM is concerned about the serious challenges that Europe, its member states, cities and citizens are facing also affecting environmentally sustainable access, mobility management and transport:
• Economic crisis – putting pressure on budgets of public authorities, transport operators as well as private households and leading to cuts in public investments of countries, regions and cities endangering the accessibility and development of sustainable mobility in particular public transport. It is also accompanied by increasing costs and lowering of family incomes and an increasing unemployment rate especially of young people
• Environmental burdens – caused by transport and its 96% dependency on fossil fuels of which 84% has to be imported from instable regions leading to high import costs of around 210 billion Euro per year in the EU and high transport emissions of GHG, air pollutants and noise as well as increasing land take and urban sprawl
• Social problems and health risks – like the disintegration of social groups, unemployment and migration problems, demographic changes and aging society, the decreasing of free choice of mobility and increasing car and aviation dependency excluding non-motorists from economic benefits and social life, high health risks by harmful transport pollutants like ultra-fine particles, road fatalities as well as physical inactivity and obesity
EPOMM and its Members strongly believe that MM is an effective tool to counteract these challenges as it is a very cost-effective measure to achieve sustainable mobility as growing evidence of good practices is showing
WE are convinced that MM has therefore to become an integrated part of mobility and transport strategies and plans - on the same level and complementary to technological and infrastructural measures
WE are committed to integrate MM in our national policies and to promote it also on European scale as well as in our cities and regions
WE are keen to provide the ‘bridge’ between policy and practice; between knowledge providers and knowledge implementers; and between urban, regional, national and European decision makers.
WE will strengthen and intensify our activities to promote MM as a proven tool in order to make mobility economically viable, environmentally friendly, and socially just.
To this end WE the Members of EPOMM have agreed on the following goals:
EPOMM – Promoting MM as the linking bridge
To become the focal point for European Institutions, national governments, cities and regions when seeking advice and practical expertise on Mobility Management particularly in integrating MM in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans as well as in national and European mobility strategies
To promote and support the exchange of mobility management knowledge and learning between policy makers, stake holders, experts and practitioners, between EC as well as national authorities and cities
To provide the annual European Conference on Mobility Management (ECOMM) as the major European event for bringing together practitioners, decision makers and innovative best practice examples from all over Europe but also connecting with relevant global initiatives
EPOMM – Networking and Co-operating for MM
To increase membership of EPOMM aiming at including all EU Member States and European Countries.
For each EPOMM Member State, to establish a figurehead national network on mobility management to
facilitate the integration of mobility management in urban as well as national policies
To develop further cooperation with international institutions, NGOs, companies and other partners
EPOMM – Facilitating MM with Services and Tools
To further develop EPOMM as the hub for training and mobility policy audits, with a set of user-friendly materials including training and mentoring services, audit databases and auditors, training and network meetings focusing on the integration of MM in Sustainable Urban, National and European Mobility Plans
To build upon the experience of EPOMM and its members in mobility management and policy transfer with a set of clear policy transfer procedures for members and awarding best practice
To provide decision makers with tools and expertise to integrate mobility management in urban, regional, national and EU planning and through a broad dissemination of tools developed within EPOMM
EPOMM – Bringing MM on the European Agenda
The EU has set important objectives leading up to its 2020 energy and climate goals. Furthermore the EU Roadmap for a Low Carbon Economy has put on the agenda even more ambitious goals for 2050 calling for a 80% GHG reduction by 2050! For the first time sector targets also for transport are set and reflected in the new EC White Paper on Transport calling for a long term GHG reduction in transport of 60%.
EPOMM is supporting the EU initiatives for sustainable mobility and will intensify its European co-operations:
To establish a regular dialogue with EC and EP on key mobility and transport issues to discuss the potential and role of mobility management to achieve sustainable mobility in the EU, its Member States and cities as well as to identify and promote the policy actions required for broad implementation of MM.
To deliver EPOMMs know how and positions within EU processes relevant for mobility and transport and within key strategic documents like the White Paper on Transport, Action Plan on Urban Mobility, SUMPs, the TEN, Structural Funds and their implementation activities with a view to ensure an incorporation of mobility management
To cooperate with European countries and EU Member States in particular the EU Presidencies to raise awareness of the positive potentials of mobility management and the possible actions required to promote mobility management to become a key element of European policies.
To propose the elaboration of a European Masterplan for MM as strategic tool to develop further MM, to spread best practice and to promote the integration of MM in policies of EU, its member states and cities
EPOMM – Managing Mobility for a better future
EPOMM is committed to implement these visions and goals and will strengthen its efforts to promote the implementation of MM as a key factor to achieve sustainable mobility and transport thus contributing to
- Economic welfare – boosting investments to improve environmentally sustainable transport and increase transport efficiency, providing access to businesses, services, employment and education, creating green growth and green jobs, reducing externalities and the environmental, health and social costs of mobility.
- Environmental quality – making mobility and transport less polluting, less fossil fuel and carbon dependent, more environmentally sound, more health promoting, more energy efficient and based on renewable energy.
- Social inclusion and health – delivering healthier cities, attractive urban spaces and rural areas, giving all parts of society access to sustainable mobility in particular public transport and physically active modes, providing safe and environmentally sound access to homes, work places, schools, leisure and shopping facilities, developing and gaining higher levels of quality of life, employment and social mobility.
Read the full version EPOMM Manifesto
Between 2014 and 2017, at every European Conference on Mobility Management, the EPOMM board worked with ECOMM participants to formulate a resolution reflecting the general tendency of the current discussion on Mobility Management:
At ECOMM 2017 in Maastricht, over 400 participants joined the discussion on how to achieve big dreams and agreed on the new Treaty of Maastricht.
At the ECOMM 2016 in Athens, Odette van de Riet presented the Athens Resolution.
At the ECOMM 2015 in Utrecht, participants from the Commission, the EU-Presidency and all EPOMM countries produced the Declaration of Utrecht.
At the ECOMM 2014 the ECOMM adopted the following ECOMM key messages.