EPOMM and the EU Green Deal

The members of EPOMM welcome the European Green Deal and in particular appreciate the prospective adoption of a new EU strategy for sustainable and smart mobility by 2020. EPOMM is ready to actively support the development of this new strategy and to contribute with the member’s experiences and best practices.

Mobility in Europe is at a crossroads and transformation actions towards clean sustainable mobility are urgently needed for achieving our ambitious EU climate and energy objectives and long term strategic visions. As part of a new green deal for Europe we clearly need a comprehensive and holistic approach on mobility and transport, which smartly integrates mobility management, clean vehicles and fuels, active mobility, transport safety and multimodality. This objective was also clearly stated in the Graz Declaration of the EU Informal Meeting of Environment and Transport Ministers in Graz in 2018 during the Austrian Council Presidency.

The Graz Declaration “Starting a new era: clean, safe and affordable mobility for Europe” highlights the important role of mobility management, which allows Member States as well as cities and municipalities to develop and implement a broad range of measures to achieve the set goals. The great advantage of mobility management is that it provides for the possibility to develop tailored strategies and measures to change travel behaviour, promoting active and shared mobility, public transport and reducing the need for travel.

EPOMM underlines the importance of enhancing European support to Member States for the development of national mobility management strategies and programmes as well as of facilitating the development of sustainable regional and urban plans for mobility management and mobility planning as it is highlighted in the Graz Declaration.

EPOMM particularly supports the Graz Declaration in its request for integrating mobility management into current and future European funding and financing instruments as key elements of the Green Deal of the new European Commission.