The project

 EPOMM-PLUS was a three year project running from 2009 - 2012, supported by the EU in the frame of the Intelligent Energy for Europe’s (IEE) STEER-Programme see  EPOMM-PLUS on IEE.

The overall objective of the EPOMM-PLUS project was to achieve a quantum leap in the implementation of MM in Europe, by establishing EPOMM as the authority and the networking instrument for the promotion of Mobility Management across the EU.

EPOMM-PLUS built on EPOMM and focused on the new Member States and the states with little mobility management (MM) experience. EPOMM-PLUS helped to integrate MM in national transport policies by transferring good practices and supporting local pioneers by developing national networks. Even after the finalisation of EPOMM-PLUS there are still network initiators active in 10 states that are not yet member of EPOMM (BG, CZ, EE, GR, HU, LT, PL, RO, SI, ES).

Through the network of EPOMM, consisting of now 11 member states (AT, BE, DE, FR, FI, IT, NL, NO, PT, SE, UK), EPOMM-PLUS got a perfect connection to national, regional and local initiatives.


See also the WP-structure of EPOMM-PLUS.

The results

What did EPOMM achieve?

  • At the beginning of EPOMM-PLUS, EPOMM had 6 members, at the end it has grown to 11 members.
  • In many other countries, the idea of EPOMM-membership is on the agenda, and has only been postponed due to the severe austerity measures imposed by the financial and economic crisis
  • EPOMM-PLUS managed to establish national platforms and networks on mobility management in almost all countries in which it had partners.
  • In many countries, EPOMM-PLUS managed to put mobility management on the national agenda and in some countries even to make it a part of national policy
  • With TEMS and MaxEva, EPOMM-PLUS has introduced European platforms for benchmarking and evaluation of mobility projects and the mobility policies of cities

For more detailed results, see:

Without any doubt EPOMM-PLUS increased the impact of mobility management in Europe. And: EPOMM-PLUS is not the end point of all these developments. Almost all things developed under EPOMM-PLUS are carried on by EPOMM.


Thus EPOMM is looking forward to further “manage mobility for a better future”!

EPOMM-PLUS is structured into the following 8 Workpackages (WPs)

WP1 - Project Management
Provides a smooth overall management of the project as well as the linkage to the IEE

The two networking WPs develop networks on a European and national level - they are central for developing the EPOMM-network:

WP2 - EU Network
Coordinates networking, dissemination and knowledge transfer between ongoing EU-funded mobility management projects.

WP3 - National Networks
Here the main aim is to build up national platforms for MM. Therefore, EPOMM-PLUS has partners (so called Network Initiators - NI) in 22 European states

The two networking tools WPs provide the network WPs with tools and services:

WP4 - Translation and National Event Promotion
Increases the dissemination of MM best practice on a national level by translation of existing EPOMM materials, modification of the website as well as making and disseminating the e-updates. It also promotes the National MM Workshops.

WP5 - Trainings
Develops trainings, train the trainer meetings, a training quality label as well as a training and trainer database - in cooperation with national and EU-project developments - in order to support the dissemination of MM (Links to these Trainings are coming soon!)

The two supportive WPs help the other WPs:

WP6 - Policy and Legislation

  • analysis of mobility management policy and legislation in 27 European states - through the so called Mobility Management Monitors (MMM) - eg. the MMM of Belgium 2011;
  • transfer roadmaps of MM between the EPOMM member states;
  • raised awareness within the EU of MM as a part of mainstream policy.

WP7 - Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Monitoring of MM projects in EPOMM-PLUS countries via MaxTools as well as in MaxEva;
  • Build up of modal split monitoring of cities in EPOMM-PLUS countries (link to city database is coming soon)
  • Quality Assurance on the EPOMM-PLUS project itself.

WP8 - Common Dissemination
Dissemination on behalf of the EACI