BEPOMM is the Belgian national network for everyone involved in mobility management and sustainable mobility. The network serves as a forum for good practice exchange and networking in Belgium.
Grown during the EPOMM-PLUS project, at this very moment the steering board consists of the three region partners that have the main competences in mobility policies in Belgium ; the Departments of Transport from the Brussels Capital Region, the Flanders Region and the Walloon region. The Federal Public service on Mobility is a follower partner. On behalf of BEPOMM, Mobiel 21 acts as National Focal Point for Belgium.
Bruxelles Mobilité is a public service department of the Brussels Capital-Region, responsible for equipment, infrastructure and transport. Bruxelles Mobilité manages mobility strategy planning, projects for the development, renewal and maintenance of public spaces and regional roads, public transport infrastructure, taxis and regional property. Its tasks are essential for quality of life and sustainable, harmonious development in the Region.
Its work contributes to making public areas pleasant and accessible for all inhabitants. Bruxelles Mobilité is a key partner in tackling questions of public transport, public land development, traffic management, building site coordination, and more.
Concerning mobility management, the activities of Bruxelles Mobilité are important.
As well as several communication campaigns to promote alternative modes of transport and improve road safety, we coordinate Mobility Week and help numerous companies and schools to implement their mobility plans. The Regional Mobility Plan (Iris 2), as well as the Cycle and Pedestrian Plan are blueprints that contain measures concerning infrastructure, campaigning and mobility management to promote and stimulate active modes.
Contact: Sofie Walschap,
The ‘Department Mobility and Public works’ is responsible for the implementation of Flanders mobility policies, including traffic safety, investments, management and exploitation of all transport and harbour infrastructure. Under this department , a separate public service ‘mobility and traffic safety’ prepares mobility and traffic safety policies, as well as strategic decisions in the field of data- and tool development. Flanders has a longstanding tradition in local mobility planning. The mobility covenant programme is a policy framework that - already at the end of previous decade- was quit in line with the current SUMP guidelines. Mobility Management always has been part of the integrated approach. Campaigns, site based mobility plans, and other measures to promote soft modes… are being facilitated by different umbrella-programmes.
Contact: Kimberley Vandamme,
Service Public de Wallonie – Mobilité & Infrastructures
La politique de mobilité s’appuie sur la SRM (Stratégie régionale de Mobilité), sur des Plans Urbains de Mobilité – PUM (à l’échelle des agglomération urbaines fonctionnelles) et sur les plans communaux de mobilité – PCM (à l’échelle municipale). Sous la coordination du SPW-Mobilité et Infrastructures (SPW-MI : Ministère), plusieurs acteurs viennent en appui des actions comme l’AWSR (agence wallonne pour la sécurité routière) l’OTW (Opérateur de Transport en commun de Wallonie) ou la SOFICO (en charge de la gestion d’infrastructures routières et fluviales structurantes). Dans cet ensemble, le Département de la Stratégie de la Mobilité du SPW-MI a un rôle de coordination, de formation et d’information/sensibilisation.
- Coordination : par la réalisation de Plans de Mobilité (souvent à l’échelle communale) associant toutes les parties prenantes. Des outils de diagnostic (enquêtes,…) sont également mis à la disposition de tous.
- Formation : près de 1300 Conseillers en Mobilité (CeM) ont été formés depuis une quinzaine d’années ; agents communaux, régionaux, associatifs,… Autant de personnes amenés à collaborer. Le Réseau des CeM leur propose aussi des formations continuées, des visites thématiques, des publications et les services du centre de Documentation (CDDM). Plus récemment, les formations EMSR (Éducation à la mobilité et à la sécurité routière) destinée principalement au monde de l’éducation et Mobility Managers destinée aux entreprises, ont été mises en place.
- L’information et la sensibilisation passent par l’organisation de la Semaine de la Mobilité, la diffusion de divers outils pédagogiques,…
Une vingtaine de partenaires institutionnels et associatifs contribuent à faire progresser la mobilité en Wallonie. Pour en savoir plus :
Walloon Public Service
The mobility policy is based on the SRM (Regional Mobility Strategy), on Urban Mobility Plans - PUM (at the scale of functional urban areas) and on Communal Mobility Plans - PCM (at the municipal level). Under the coordination of SPW-Mobility and Infrastructure (SPW-MI / Ministry), several actors support actions such as the AWSR (Walloon Road Safety Agency) the OTW (Wallonia Transit Operator) or SOFICO (in charge of the management of highways and structuring road and river infrastructure). Overall, the SPW-MI Mobility Strategy Department has a coordinating, training and information/awareness role.
- Coordination : Throughout Mobility Plans (mainly at municipal scale) with various stakeholders. Diagnosis tools are also made available to the public.
- Training : neraly 1300 Mobility Advisers (CeM) have been trained for some 15 years, who can now work together. The CeM Network provides periodic training, thematic visits, publications and services of its documentation center (CDDM). Recently, two new trainings appeared : Mobility Management for enterprises, and EMSR (education on mobility and road safety) for the world of education.
- Information and public awareness through annual Mobility Week, diverse pedagogical tools,…
About 20 official and associative partners are busy with us for a better mobility. Just have a look to