NI Czech Republic: CDV - Centrum Dopravního Výzkumu

The Transport Research Centre (Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i. (CDV)) has more than fifty years long tradition of research and development (since 1955 as the Czechoslovak Transport Research Institute, since 1993 as the Transport Research Centre) and has been established by decision of the Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic. CDV changed its status since 1.1.2007 from a contributory ministerial organisation to public research institute.

CDV provides conceptual, methodical, informational and expert service for the Ministry of Transport and several other national authorities. Beside transport research, expertise and consulting in transport issues, CDV also participates in preparation of transposing documents to settle the EU legislative documents into the national framework, brings regular analysis and updating of the national transport policy and other strategic instruments. In many transport areas, CDV brings foreign best practices and knowledge into the local environment and assists the regional and local bodies in establishing the sustainable transport systems in practical terms (urban strategies, infrastructure projects etc.). Mobility management is one of the most researched and promoted fields by CDV. Through its research into the best working mobility management models, CDV endeavours for applying the principles of sustainable mobility in early stage of urban and regional transport and tries to transfer the knowledge on harmonisation of transport and land use planning. CDV brings the model especially for urban mobility plans and school travel plans. The latter mobility management tool is probably the most frequented in the Czech Republic due to a larger number of cities interested into the traffic safety improvement, mainly the one of children, which is one of sound arguments for mobility plans in urban areas.

CDV branch profiles are transport policy, mobility prognosis and modelling, transport statistics, Geographic Information Systems applied in transport, land use / transport planning, transport safety, environmental issues in transport, road and urban engineering, public transport, air transport, combined transport, psychology and sociology in transport, intelligent transport systems. The institute has developed international cooperation in several projects, especially focused on sustainable mobility.
CDV is a member of FERSI since 1994 and FEHRL since 1996. CDV operates a quality management system certificated in compliance with EN ISO 9001.

CDV, v.v.i.,
Líšeňská 33a, 63600 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 548 423 711
Fax: +420 548 423 712

Karel Pospíšil

EPOMM - PLUS representatives:
Radomíra Jordova
Phone: +420 541 641 711

Zbyněk Sperat
Phone: +420 541 641 711