NFP Netherlands: Kennisplatform Verkeer en Vervoer within CROW

The Dutch National Focal Point is the section Verkeer en Vervoer (Traffic and Transport) within CROW, the Dutch technology platform for transport, infrastructure and public space.

Their mission

CROW supports local and regional authorities in their efforts to develop and implement traffic and transport policy by providing practical know-how, arranging meetings, and setting up networks.

Whom they serve

CROW works for officials and policy makers and supports staff who work with local or regional authorities.

Their website

The website of CROW on Traffic and Transport provides up-to-date, reliable, and focused practical knowledge about traffic and transport. They have an extensive list of publications on mobility management that are publicly available, however, most are in Dutch language.

The Fietsberaad website provides practical knowledge and news on cycling in The Netherlands. There is an extensive section in English language available.

You can contact the Dutch NFP per mail here.

CROW-KpVV address

Kantoorgebouw ‘Sijpesteijn’

Jaarbeursplein 22,

3521 AP Utrecht

The Netherlands